Monday 12 December 2011


The ending of Romeo and Juliet came to me in a dream. I woke up crying and was depressed for days. I thought to myself "there is no way that im going to let that happen" because i was truely attached to their characters and wanted them to live happily ever after. Then i realized, that all stories have good endings and its time for a story that is more real and people can relate to and have more emotion towards. I beleive that people would be more intrueged and interested in the story if the main characters die because they never do in most stories, this created a sense of reality, and that not everyone lives happily ever after. Even though the end of the story was sad and depresing and we lost the main characters, there was allot of morals and in debth learning outcomes that came from the lessons that have been taught. The story was interesting and it doesnt make it a bad story just because they didnt have a cookie cutter ending where they run off into a meadow in slow motion, becaue that never happens in real life.
And that is how i feel about the ending of my story. Love it or hate it, its made me more money than you'll ever count to.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Act Four!!! Interview with Guy with Big Mustache.

Journalist- Explain how you felt while conducting the deaths of Tyblat and Mercutio.

Shakespeare- Tybalt is an a**hole. The main reason I killed of those two characters was to show the strength and reality of the grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues.  Those deaths shows that there is no mercy in 'war'.

Journalist- When you were writing the fight scene between Romeo and Tybalt, what were you thinking was going through Romeo's mind?

Shakespeare- I believe Romeo was very hateful towards Tybalt because he killed his friend Mercutio.  I also believe that he tried to restrain himself because of his marriage to Juliet and Juliet`s affiliation with Tybalt.

Journalist- How did you feel when writing Romeo and Juliet`s seperation due to his penalty?

Shakespeare- I thought it was really sad to see those two part, they clearly had such a deep conncetion and deep love for eachother.  I wrote that bit into the play because I thought it spiced it up more.

Journalist- What were your intentions on having it perceived that she died?

Shakespeare- Again, it adds more spice to the play.  It makes the play more intriguing to the perceiving eye.  It also truly is a statement of Juliet's love and devotion for Romeo.

Journalist- Do you think Romeo and Juliet will end up together?

Shakespeare- You will just have to wait and see ;)

Thursday 1 December 2011


In act three, there was a whole bunch of commotion!  Poor Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and died, and poor Tybalt was killed by Romeo. Unfortunately Romeo was banished, which has screwed them over even more now. Romeo was hysterical when he realized that he is bannished and wouldnt be able to be with Juliet. So when he got his chance to spend the last night with Juliet there was allot of lust and love going on. Juliet was hysterical when Romeo left, and to find out that she has an arranged marriage with the Prince. She made a vow to Romeo they would meet again and be together forever, but her father is jepordizing the plan. The nurse was on Juliets side and was the only one who was there to care for her, she made Juliet realize that marrying the prince might not be THAT bad, so Juliet got a clear mind by the end of Act 3.

Monday 28 November 2011

Second Blog- What Romeo would find awesome

Most of the things Romeo would think are AWESOME would have to do with Juliet. Like:
  • Kissing Juliet
  • Having sex with Juliet
  • Being with Juliet
  • Looking at Juliet
  • and do ANYTHING with Juliet

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Act 1 - Shakespeare's point of view

I have a birds eye view of this town. I  hope you noticed that there is a lot going on in the city of Verona. The mood is very serious and intense because of all the fighting and conflict going on between all the different people. The two familes (the Capulets and Montagues) have a huge feuding and are still at war. Unfortunatley, Romeo Montague has developed a love very strong towards the Capulets daughter, Juliet. And that isnt good because of the huge grudge both families have against each other. Benvolio (romeo's cousin) wants Romeo to attend a party so he can see all the other fish in the sea. A riot broke out when Sampson, Tybalt, Gregory, and Abram got into an argument. Let's see how this story plays out, Only I know what great fate will land on these star-crossed lovers.

Monday 21 November 2011

Blog is postponed due to the absense of my partner.

- Brooke