Saturday 10 December 2011

Act Four!!! Interview with Guy with Big Mustache.

Journalist- Explain how you felt while conducting the deaths of Tyblat and Mercutio.

Shakespeare- Tybalt is an a**hole. The main reason I killed of those two characters was to show the strength and reality of the grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues.  Those deaths shows that there is no mercy in 'war'.

Journalist- When you were writing the fight scene between Romeo and Tybalt, what were you thinking was going through Romeo's mind?

Shakespeare- I believe Romeo was very hateful towards Tybalt because he killed his friend Mercutio.  I also believe that he tried to restrain himself because of his marriage to Juliet and Juliet`s affiliation with Tybalt.

Journalist- How did you feel when writing Romeo and Juliet`s seperation due to his penalty?

Shakespeare- I thought it was really sad to see those two part, they clearly had such a deep conncetion and deep love for eachother.  I wrote that bit into the play because I thought it spiced it up more.

Journalist- What were your intentions on having it perceived that she died?

Shakespeare- Again, it adds more spice to the play.  It makes the play more intriguing to the perceiving eye.  It also truly is a statement of Juliet's love and devotion for Romeo.

Journalist- Do you think Romeo and Juliet will end up together?

Shakespeare- You will just have to wait and see ;)

1 comment:

  1. That winking face at the end of your interview worries me. I certainly hope that Romeo and I will end up together.
