Monday 12 December 2011


The ending of Romeo and Juliet came to me in a dream. I woke up crying and was depressed for days. I thought to myself "there is no way that im going to let that happen" because i was truely attached to their characters and wanted them to live happily ever after. Then i realized, that all stories have good endings and its time for a story that is more real and people can relate to and have more emotion towards. I beleive that people would be more intrueged and interested in the story if the main characters die because they never do in most stories, this created a sense of reality, and that not everyone lives happily ever after. Even though the end of the story was sad and depresing and we lost the main characters, there was allot of morals and in debth learning outcomes that came from the lessons that have been taught. The story was interesting and it doesnt make it a bad story just because they didnt have a cookie cutter ending where they run off into a meadow in slow motion, becaue that never happens in real life.
And that is how i feel about the ending of my story. Love it or hate it, its made me more money than you'll ever count to.

1 comment:

  1. I can rest easy knowing that you are happy with the ending of your story. There is much I could complain about, but I will not. I can be with Romeo forever now, for in death we shall not part. Thank you for writing our story.
